• Xepay makes it safe and easy to buy, store and learn about Bitcoin.

  • Xepay makes it safe and easy to buy, store and learn about Bitcoin.

  • Xepay makes it safe and easy to buy, store and learn about Bitcoin.

  • Xepay makes it safe and easy to buy, store and learn about Bitcoin.

  • Xepay makes it safe and easy to buy, store and learn about Bitcoin.

  • Xepay makes it safe and easy to buy, store and learn about Bitcoin.

  • Xepay makes it safe and easy to buy, store and learn about Bitcoin.

Social Media Policy

Social Media is constantly changing the way we connect. It helps us start new relationships and engage in discussion with customers and colleagues from around the globe.

The Social Media Policy was created in order to protect the reputation of Xepay’, compliance with applicable law and regulations and empower employees to be advocates of the company. We ask you to stick to these 8 key points in the Policy:

  • Be honest when disclosing your identity
    If you post about the agile-related info, or a particular organization, disclose the conflict of interest first in your post.
  • Only approved spokespeople can speak on behalf of Xepay. Even after you have identified yourself as working for Xepay’, be clear that the views and opinions you have expressed are your own. Because only approved spokespeople can speak on behalf of Xepay’, providing professional references or recommendations, including those on LinkedIn, are prohibited. If you think an official Xepay response may be required for something you see on social media, contact the Xepay Corporate Social Media Team at socialmedia@xepay.io.
  • Keep confidential information to yourself
    You should never reveal non-public company information on social media. Treat all confidential information and trade secrets of our company, of our partners and suppliers as strictly confidential.
  • New social media channels require approval
    To ensure channel success, you should not open Xepay social media channels without first getting approval from the social media center of Xepay. For additional information about the new channel request process, contact the socialmedia@xepay.io .
  • Use good judgement about what and how you share
    Keep in mind that your posts can potentially tarnish reputations or infringe on the rights of someone else. Do not post information or rumors that you suspect or know to be false about Xepay.
  • Treat others with respect
    Customers, colleagues, supervisors, suppliers, competitors and others may have access to your posts. Offensive or inappropriate remarks are as out-of-place online as they are offline. Use the same set of standards as you do in the physical workplace.
  • Private things are not private
    Many times things that you publish can be seen or found by others, despite privacy settings. Consider everything you post online as potentially discoverable by anyone.
  • Familiarize yourself with the full Social Media Policy
    If you are a Xepay employee, employee of a Xepay subsidiary or Xepay Representative (consultants, agents, sales representatives, independent contractors, and contract workers), it is your responsibility to be familiar with the Policy in its entirety, as well as any regional addendums associated with your location. Please contact us for any such amendments.